Saturday 6 May 2017

Cad initial variations

To begin with I decided to develop two completely different pieces surrounding the different concepts derived.

The first design follows that of the 'blag' concept. The word blag was altered to blah as I felt this would be somewhat less colloquial than the original word. The typeface used was selected as this focuses upon the 'raw' hand rendered typography apparent within the 'transform' poster campaign by Tim. The typography was made to fill the page, again a deisgn trait in which is implemented within Tim's design.

The second design idea focuses largely upon pattern work, although the extra condensed interview appears apparent. I believe this to have less of a lasting impact than that of the first design. I also believe that the body copy apparent upon the second deisgn does not comply to Tim's design as it appears rather dull and boring. The style also appears somewhat regiment, an idea in which is completely different to that of the 'raw' nature of Tim's work.

Transform posters by Rabbit Hole

When talking to my peers it became evident that they thought the first design was more effective than the second although they suggested that I should explore more with colour, they also suggested that the pattern approach should be further explored.

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