Wednesday 3 May 2017

Development from the illustration exhibition

As the illustration exhibition inspired myself to complete some form of illustration based design, i decided to implement this within the UK Greetings brief.

I decided that the medium used to construct the illustration would be that of ink, as the design could them explore the somewhat 'imperfect' approach in which I found multiple illustrators mastered within the exhibition.

 After the illustration was developed I was then able to scan the design in and explore it further using CAD, manipulating colours and scale. As I did not previously know how easy this was to explore with, I quickly became accustomed to manipulating the images.

Illustration was then used throughout the project in order to explore a delicate 'handmade' feel. As I had not explored within this style beforehand I felt this realisation useful as I could now 'tap' into a form of design in which I had previously avoided.

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