Sunday 7 May 2017

Living with Creatives

As of second year I have been directly living with individuals who are Level 5 graphic design students. Although sometimes it can feel as if we live and die for design I do believe that this has benefited my practice greatly. I am able to openly discuss briefs with my peers at anytime as well as gaining feedback. One issue that arose from this was that I was only gaining feedback from the same people and thus I have attempted to branch out over the year visiting crit box, as well as asking other course members for feedback.

By surrounding myself with design oriented individuals I also have people who are interested within the same things as myself to go to exhibitions and workshops with. I believe this to have enhanced my practice as I have been able to gather inspiration from a large range of primary resources compared to that of previous.

As we are living together next year we have discussed having an 'open house' and displaying an exhibition in a real life manner. This may be interesting and definitely something in which we explore with further.

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