Wednesday 3 May 2017

Goat collective exhibition

When walking through university, I saw a notice for exhibition submissions for Art from non-art. The brief stated that a collage piece should be derived in which focuses upon design out of context. The exhibition was to be held by goat collective. Goat collective are a socially aware and ethical conscious group of creatives working together to produce a range of artistic outcomes, both personally and professionally.

As a result of this I began to produce a range of collage pieces in which could be used for the exhibition.

From this I decided upon the second piece as I believed it appeared more physically collaged. 

The design was sent to Dan from goat collective whereby he then decided if it could be entered into the exhibition. My design was selected and therefore placed at the Art from non-art exhibition.

Art from Non-Art is a collaborative exhibition showcasing collage and appropriation art by over 30 artists and designers. All pieces in the exhibition have been screenprinted and a limited run of each piece in the show will be available for sale.

The below image was taken of my piece at the exhibition.

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