Thursday 4 May 2017

how can I implement key factors from the interview within my design.

Key fragments were taken from the text in which promotes Tim's ideologies surrounding design. These may be used in order to influence my design.

University for me was like when you do your driving test and you kind of learn to drive after you've passed your test. So that first 3 years is when you really kind of try to learn to do what you are doing.

we like is raw, we’re not really into pretty, quaint or cartoony.

We've got better at like type and grid lines, things like that. Type plays massive part for me, it's the message really.

My favourite type of work is the one that's loud and a bit raw, and little bit more punky and has attitude.

Well yeah, I think that we try and make it genderless in some ways but umm every time that we use something that's really strong we try and soften it with a softer colour

From the above quotes some initial ideas were outlined.

Colour was considered with bold colours being highlighted, the iconic pink in which is present within multiple of Tim's design was outlined.

It was decided that type should be a key influence, although this should appear 'raw'. As it was also suggested by Tim that he likes the dismissal of rules within design this was also considered.

I also began to think about the platform in which the interview may be expressed. I felt a publication unsuiting as Tim stated to myself that often publication design is not the easiest route in which to 'break into' the creative industries. When thinking about what platform Tim is mostly known for I would suggest that this is his poster design, as his iconic posters fill the city. When talking to him beforehand he also stated that the first professional piece of design he created was a poster. As a result of this I believe this to be relevant.

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