Saturday 6 May 2017

Initial drawings

When thinking about Tim's work it is evident that he focuses largely upon poster design. This also relating to the 'traditional' form of advertisement in which he originally studied. As a result of this I decided that a poster design would be most suiting.

When thinking upon the format of the design it became evident that filling the entire poster with the interview would not be relevant as Tim's work often contains little, but large scale type. As a result of this drawings were formulated in which attempt to explore Tim's work as well as the body copy.

The first page explores a design whereby the interview would actually be constructed as a publication in which then opens in order to formulate a poster, with the text on the reverse. Although this was a strong concept, some of my peers suggested that the scale of the poster would have to be A3/A2 in order to effectively contain the relevant information to allow the deisgn to be malleable as both a poster and publication. When thinking about Tim's displacement of the poster, I believe it is fair to suggest that he would not have room for a poster of this scale as it is very bulky, as a result of this a smaller alternative must be explored.

The second page explores two different concepts. The first is a poster whereby the text is maintained upon one side. This therefore giving Tim the relevant information initially. Although this would promote legibility, I do not believe that this would mimic Tim's unique style and thus this was decided against.

The second concept focuses upon a double sided poster. Although a poster is placed upon a wall and therefore one side would not be seen, I believe that the double sided poster would be effective as it could be at a much smaller scale. When visiting the rabbit hole office there was also a large glass panel in which contained different posters/artworks and therefore if placed upon the glass my interview would be legible from two perspectives. This would also 'show off' my design to other creatives in which visit the studio. When discussing this with my peers they suggested this to be the best option as it also considers Tim's personal environment.

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