Wednesday 3 May 2017

Presentation talk-Rick Ferguson

Rick Ferguson visited uni in order to promote presentation skills. This was very useful as it was only a matter of weeks before the ppp presentation, and thus I found that the skills used were easily transferable. 

It was discovered that non-verbal behaviour (body language) was an essential factor in when presenting as the majority of individuals read body language to a greater extent than the words themsleves. 

From participating within the lecture I was able to gain a strong knowledge upon what makes a presentation successful or not. First of all body language should be used in order to promote confidence and to further engage the audience. It was also suggested that the tone of voice used should not be monotone but rather explore pitch in order to keep the consumers interested. Volume was also highlighted as a key factor, as the volume of speech should be around a 6/10, promoting legibility, but not appearing aggressive. Rick also suggested that key words used should maintain an emphasis in order to project the ideology further. It was also suggested that crutch words (for example, like, umm, alright) should not be used, as they appear as if the presenter does not know what they are talking about or where they are going. Instead a pause should be added. 

These skills were then transfered to my PPP presentation in an aid to make it engaging, as well as promoting myself as a confident individual. 

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