Sunday 7 May 2017


As 504 was a large 30 credit module, extensive research and practice was undergone into binding methods. I found that test variations had to be firstly made in order to promote a clean natured bind. 

Binding methods learnt include: saddle stitch, coptic binding, perfect bind and concertina. From completing these binding method tutorials I now believe to be confident in knowledge upon the different binds, as well as understanding their strengths and weaknesses. Some key information in which I remeber surrounding these methods has been listed below. 

Saddle stitch- very simple, can only do up to 24 pages. Often does not let to book close flat when mass pages are used.

Coptic bind-Allows the book to lie flat, strong binding method

Perfect bind- Professional, over time pages fall out

As a result of understanding these binding methods I will, in the future, be able to decide what binding method is most suitable for a project. An examples of this are listed below.

A company would like a 10 page booklet printing surrounding pricing for their products, they have a low budget. -In solution to this a saddle stitch approach would be derived as it is cheap, effective and easy to open. 

A company would like a large catalogue developing of their products-In solution to this a coptic bind would be used, alongside segments in order to promote a strong design in which lays flat. 

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