Thursday 4 May 2017

Design work for summer

As my neighbor is an executive headhunter and maintains his own business, I approached him surrounding design work. As he has multiple clients from all over the globe I felt that making this contact was essential. Although he already has his own self branding he suggested that multiple of his clients needed branding. Working with formula one and Jaguar clients, I believe that this opportunity would allow myself to explore a broad topic in which I have not yet previously uncovered. The work developed may also be effective at gaining attention towards my portfolio as well as behance.

Further contact from the client 

After discussing the work, he suggested that I would be paid per project rather than hourly. In order to ensure that my design work and myself is protected I must develop a contract beforehand. This ensuring that all relevant costs are considered etc. I may discuss this further with student advice in order to ensure this is the best approach.

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