Monday 1 May 2017

Contact with Jane Bowyer

After sending multiple messages to Jane with little response I thought she wasn't going to conduct the interview, but after about a month she managed to spare some time for myself (which I was very thankful for as she had obviously remembered my previous email). 

As a result of this I decided to conduct research into Jane. 

Information discovered: 
She's a designer/illustrator
She lives in Manchester 
She studied at the University of Cumbria 
specialising in digital design, art direction, branding and print.

As a result of the information found the following questions were outlined.

How do your personal ethics affect your design?

Do you find it hard to balance projects in which you would like to take on with a smaller income, compared to that of larger projects in which you need to sustain the business?

How do you feel about design within the north?

Throughout your career what project has stood out to you the most, and that you have enjoyed doing?

What artists do you take the most inspiration from?

How do you feel as a woman within the creative industry? Do you believe your journey would have been easier if you were a male?

Do you ever go through period whereby you feel like you need a break from design?

If you were able to sit under the table and listen to any two people speak, who would it be? And why?

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