Thursday 4 May 2017

Lessons learnt from 504

As a module 504 allowed myself to explore with multiple skill sets. Studio brief one allowed myself to explore with multiple binding methods in which I had not previous. One of my main struggles was formatting the different 'sections' to which my book was set. Multiple prints were developed in order to ensure that this process was successful. I also discovered large amounts surrounding image quality realising the the usual dpi for screen is 72, and for print 300. Learning this as assisted within following projects as I was then able to adjust images in relation to their context. Contextual research such as Vigneli's Canon further assisted me, factors such as flush left, type scale and typefaces suggested by Vigneli has also been applied to other design projects throughout the year. They have become some form of 'unwritten ' rule within my design as these factors has been highly used in order to promote legibility.

With the second studio brief I was exposed to information such as the click count of user interface and how this can either engage or disengage a user. Other information discovered was that of coding, and its general pricing. I believe this to be essential information as if I am to explore with digital within the future this must be considered in the pricing of a project. Wireframes were also explored with, a design stage in which I did not know previously existed. This allowed myself to visually discover what the app  would look like and how each screen would interact.

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