Sunday 7 May 2017

Final designs and evaluation

The final design highlights the vibrant trends in which are explored with Tim's design. The typography used mimics the same raw nature in which Tim notes within the interview. The hand rendered nature of this typography also attempts to mimic Tim's work for transform 16, a large scale project in which he recently completed. The pattern used also complies to this. Bold colours have been used throughout in order to express the impact in which is promoted throughout Tim's design. Pink has been used as the main colour due to its relationship with the international film festival and transform 16, again two projects in which Tim has strong connections to. 

The reasoning behind the worded front cover relates to a personal joke between myself and Tim, in which run throughout the interview. This has been embeded within the design in order to promote my personality. In turn securing a personal approach towards the design. Although this concept may be apparent some of my peers suggested that this may not be appropriate as it appears somewhat offensive. Although I agree that it could appear somewhat offensive to someone, I believe that Tim will connect it to the personal joke and therefore will not find the design offensive. 

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