Saturday 6 May 2017

Front cover variations

As it was suggested that colour should be implemented within the design I decided to explore with ways to do this. The above pink was selected as it has been used within Tims work for the international film festival as well as transform16. I decided to explore with highlighting certain aspects as the previous black and white version made the interview appear boring, something in which it definitely was not. By adding vibrant colours it shows that although a lot of talking was done this was highly interesting. 

As transform 16 was a large project for Tim, I attempted to mimic the iconic paint stripes within the design. Although the above attempts were only mock ups, I felt that this could be made far more effective by mimicking the colours present within the original design. 

A more regimented approach was explored, although I felt that the square box went against tims design. 

Following that of the paint brush effect within transform 16, the above approach was derived. The lively nature of the design promotes the interview as being highly motivational, as well as showing how passionate Tim is about colour.

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