Sunday 7 May 2017

Collective ideas -Life’s A Pitch .

Life’s A Pitch .

The outlined brief is as follows 'An important part of your professional growth is to develop an ability to work collaboratively and productively with others. Working in small mixed groups drawn from a number of LCA creative degree programme’s you will develop fully and pitch a professional proposal for a public facing venture to best showcase and promote the individual works of the collective . This could take the form of ( but certainly is not limited to) an exhibition, publication or online presence , or perhaps a combination of these. Through research and planning you will explore the basics of how to identify an appropriate venue, audience and market, structure your team to optimize your individual and group skills and knowledge, investigate the legal and financial obligations of developing and launching a creative initiative, seek appropriate professional support & advice, plan and control finances and effectively promote, brand and communicate your presence to external parties and partners.

Your team will pitch a fully developed proposal describing and visualising the showcase with appropriate visual aids.

Your individual presentation should be based on the analysis and content that you have been introduced to throughout the module and your experience of working in a collaborative partnership.'

From the above brief a collective was derived. This focused primarily on graphic design students as we believed that we all have a similar work ethos. 

Members: Myself, Jen Lea, Calum Cooke, Dom Cartledge, Hannah Rottger, and Anna Farmer. 

When thinking about what we want to do as a collective it was suggested that the aim was to promote one another as well as creating some really visually impactive yet contextual design. As a collective we focus on the different aspects of graphic design and the variety of unique styles that fall within the creative industry, as we all have different goals/talents. As a result of this we decided to name the collective A.W.O.L (All Walks Of Life). 

As a collective we developed the following mindmap in which highlights the different ways in which we could promote ourselves as well as one another. 

From this we found that social media was a large aspect, as we could cheaply share one another's work and thus this may be an area to focus on. We also decided that a publication may be an effective way in which to get our work out there, especially when thinking about creative agencies and design companies. 

As a result of this social media accounts were set up. I was primarily in charge of the instagram whereby a description of the collective was placed, alongside that of others work. 

When thinking specifically about the publication, it was decided that a spread each could be developed in order to promote us all equally. These spreads could then maintain our own personal style, allowing ourselves to be fully expressive. 

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