Sunday 7 May 2017

Responsive influence on my design practice

Responsive as a module has allowed myself to publically have my work judged. It has also allowed myself to work on live briefs and to strict deadlines. This forcing myself to focus largely on time management as mass briefs were due over the course of a week. The selected briefs were chosen in order to develop design in which I had not previous. These briefs and the influence they have had on my design have been outlined below.

In cold blood penguin book cover- 

This book cover design explored a scalpel approach in which I had not previously undertaken. This therefore allowing myself to explore with an array of design. By completing a book cover I was able to gain a portfolio piece in which I believe that many design companies may be interested in.

To kill a mockingbird penguin book cover

As penguin offer a thousand pound price for the winner of each book category, I believe that this design competition is ethical and hence why I participated within it. I also believed that developing a book cover would allow myself to be part of a cult design trend in which surrounds instagrams designers, in turn gaining attention.

UK Greeting

UK greetings was selected as my large brief as I had not previously completed a design of this calobra. I also had no previous knowledge upon repeated patterns and nets and therefore felt this brief would allow me to explore with these.

Although I enjoyed doing the brief and it allowed me to explore with illustration, I would suggest that it was very difficult to develop a concept for a design in which was so open.

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