Monday 1 May 2017

Response from Eve Warren

Eve was contacted through email as by this point I was quickly running out of time. Thankfully she responded and stated that she would answer some questions for me, as a result of this I began extensive research into Eve in order to uncover details about her career path.

From looking at Eve's Behance/LinkedIn I discovered that she has previously done an internship with Rabbit Hole and thus this is definitely a talking point for us. I also discovered that she studied in Leeds, another piece of common ground.

As a result of this I thought these would definitely be questions in which I should ask.

-Have you ever felt that being a women has limited your job opportunities within the creative industry? If so, how?

-Colour is obviously a large part of your practice, what is your favourite colour to use within design?

-Being based in Manchester the art scene and culture is highly relevant, how do you feel design in the north compares to design in the south? 

-What made you stay up north? 

-How do you feel the transition between university and industry has been? and is there anything you regret not doing in uni? 

I decided upon the above five questions to ask Eve as I felt they were most relevant to myself. They discussed the north in terms of design, as well as the difficulties faced by women within the design industry.

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